June 04, 2009

SL6B - Thursday morning happiness

Hello from the staff of SL6B! We are pleased to inform you that your exhibit was selected for the Second Life Birthday Celebration this year! However, *please note* that this does not yet guarantee that you will receive the parcel size you asked for. We are still hard at work determining exactly how to fit the puzzle pieces together on the land we have available.
This was the message I was hoping to receive for the past couple of weeks, and especially for the past couple of days as confirmations were expected for June 1st already. But this email made my day this morning, telling me that I will be assigned exhibition space at this year's 6th Birthday Celebration of SL. Once I know the final size I will have to think about a building and refine the concept I submitted to the Lab. Stay tuned!


London Spengler said...

Congratulations! :-)

Anonymous said...

That's great, Peter!

Ricco Saenz said...

Great, great, great! Congrats!