June 18, 2008

Deja vu

Now that was eerie... I logged into SL this morning, to get 3 notecards and 2 offline IM's. Then I switched SL off for a few hours. And now, that I logged in again, I got the same 3 notecards, and the same 2 offline IM's again! However in my iventory only the single copies from this morning are there - the notecards are not there twice. Bizarre.


Seikatsu Koba said...

there is a glitch in the Matrix

Anonymous said...

More SL weirdness? I think I'm so used to stuff going wrong or acting weird now that I no longer blink an eye when it happens!

Ivanova Shostakovich said...

My glasses keep creeping off my head while I'm offline.

Trinity Dechou said...

I too say there is a glitch in the matrix.... and after all I should know.